Please note the following details regarding our Semi-Annual Sitewide Mix-or-Match BOGO: 

  • This is a mix-or-match bogo, so you must add an even number of items items (minimum of 2) to your cart to receive the discount.  The item/s of lesser value will be automatically discounted in your cart (FREE). 
  • If adding 4, 6, etc. items to your cart the the discount will apply to the 2, 4, etc. items of lesser value.  
    • Examples:
      • Add 4 items priced at $142.95, $142.95, $99.95, and $69.95, and the $99.95 and $69.95 items will be free.
      • Add 4 items priced at $49.95 each, and 4 priced at $39.95 each and the $39.95 items will be free.
      • Add 6 items priced at $39.95 each, 3 of the items will be free.
  • No code is needed, the discount will apply automatically in cart.
  • If you add 1 item to your cart, no discount will be applied (nor will a 2nd unit of that item be added).  
  • Free shipping eligibility is dependent upon the total amount of your order after any applicable discounts, and before taxes, are applied.  If your order is eligible, but you do not see the free shipping discount applied, enter code FREESHIPPING at checkout.
  • No other discounts (including our welcome discount) can be combined with the bogo. 
  • Items purchased at a discount are not eligible for return/refund.  Review the details for our 30 Day Guarantee.
  • Promotion begins at 12AM EST 7/24 and ends at 11:59PM EST 7/30.  Email Insiders may benefit from early access to select promotions.